
Photo Gallery of Our Inn

We invite you to view a photo gallery of our Volcano, HI inn. The lodges offer a unique and special experience, placed in such a way to offer privacy and give you the sense of being in a tree house. The paths between the lodges offer an exquisite display of orchids, ferns and native plants. Click images to view a larger size.

Lodges and Rooms

All rooms have TV and DVRS, fireplaces and amazing views of the surrounding forest.

Gardens & Common Areas

Our rainforest garden is filled with local flowers and fauna.

Breakfast & Snacks

Breakfast is included in your room rate and our reception area always has a selection of snacks, muffins and drinks, especially appreciated by our families with children.

To access higher resolution images of our property for media outlets and bloggers, please contact us at info@VolcanoVillageLodge.com. All images are copyright Volcano Village Lodge and may not be used without written permission.